AKAdemic Foundation
The AKAdemic Foundation, Inc.®, is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization founded in 2001 for the purposes of awarding scholarships to deserving high school seniors in the Broward County area. In addition to its scholarship endeavors, the Foundation provides financial and in-kind support in community service, family enrichment, health awareness, economic empowerment and various youth initiatives.
A copy of our registration and/or financial information is available at the Division of Consumer Services at 800-435-7352. Our registration within the State of Florida does not mean an endorsement, approval, or recommendation by the registration.

The AKAdemic Foundation, Inc.®, focuses on many charitable organizations on the local, regional and national levels. It has provided in-kind or financial resources to the following interests:
AKAdemic FoundationScholarship
American Diabetes Association
Black Family
Broward County Chapter Urban League
Broward County Sickle Cell Foundation
Buckle Up America
Carter Park Little League
Dillard High School Jazz Band
Educational Advancement Foundation
- Florida Memorial University Jazz Band
Fort Lauderdale Baccalaureate
Fort Lauderdale Boys and Girls Club
Fort Lauderdale Chapter NAACP
LA Lee Branch of YMCA
Lupus Foundation
MLK Day of Service
National Council of Negro Women
National Family Volunteer Day
Northwest Federated Women's Club
Presidential Freedom Scholarships
Red Cross
United Negro College Fund
United Way
Young Authors Program